The ability to publish the components resources was introduced in version v3.13.0.
In the particular case that you need full control or customization over the available blade components of the package, you can publish them with the next command:
php artisan adminlte:install --only=components
Now, you can edit the component views in the resources/views/vendor/adminlte/components
folder and the component classes in the app/View/Components/Adminlte
folder. To use the published version of any component you will need to follow the Laravel's dot
convention for accessing nested classes within a directory, for example, the published and customizable version of the Input Component should be used like:
<x-adminlte.form.input />
Instead of:
<x-adminlte-input />
This last one will still reference the original version of the component.
If you have published the components, then these ones won't be updated automatically on a package update procedure and you will need to take care of this manually if you want a new feature of the package to be included in your set of published components.