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These components are classified under the Widget category and represents some of the available AdminLTE widgets. At next you can see the list of available components:

Alert, Callout, Card, Info Box, ProfileColItem, ProfileRowItem, ProfileWidget, Progress, Small Box


This component represents an AdminLTE styled alert notification. The following attributes are available:

iconA fontawesome icon for the alertstringnullno
dismissableSetup the alert as dismissable, a button will be available to dismiss the alertanynullno
themeAn AdminLTE theme: dark, light, primary, secondary, info, success, warning or dangerstringnullno
titleThe title for the alertstringnullno

Any other attribute you define will be directly inserted into the underlying div.alert element. So, for example, you can define a class, onclick, id or any other attribute you may need.


{{-- Minimal --}}
<x-adminlte-alert>Minimal example</x-adminlte-alert>

{{-- Minimal with title and dismissable --}}
<x-adminlte-alert title="Well done!" dismissable>
    Minimal example

{{-- Minimal with icon only --}}
<x-adminlte-alert icon="fas fa-user">
    User has logged in!

{{-- Themes --}}
<x-adminlte-alert theme="light" title="Tip">
    Light theme alert!
<x-adminlte-alert theme="dark" title="Important">
    Dark theme alert!
<x-adminlte-alert theme="primary" title="Primary Notification">
    Primary theme alert!
<x-adminlte-alert theme="secondary" icon="" title="Secondary Notification">
    Secondary theme alert!
<x-adminlte-alert theme="info" title="Info">
    Info theme alert!
<x-adminlte-alert theme="success" title="Success">
    Success theme alert!
<x-adminlte-alert theme="warning" title="Warning">
    Warning theme alert!
<x-adminlte-alert theme="danger" title="Danger">
    Danger theme alert!

{{-- Custom --}}
<x-adminlte-alert class="bg-teal text-uppercase" icon="fa fa-lg fa-thumbs-up" title="Done" dismissable>
    Your payment was complete!

Use the next image as reference to check how every example is rendered. Please, note in the image the alerts were wrapped inside a Bootstrap Grid System to organize them.

Alert Component


This component represents an AdminLTE styled callout notification. The following attributes are available:

iconA fontawesome icon for the calloutstringnullno
themeAn AdminLTE theme: info, success, warning or dangerstringnullno
titleThe title for the calloutstringnullno
title-classExtra classes for the title container (to customize the title)stringnullno

Any other attribute you define will be directly inserted into the underlying div.callout element. So, for example, you can define a class, onclick, id or any other attribute you may need.


{{-- Minimal --}}
<x-adminlte-callout>Minimal example</x-adminlte-callout>

{{-- themes --}}
<x-adminlte-callout theme="info" title="Information">
    Info theme callout!
<x-adminlte-callout theme="success" title="Success">
    Success theme callout!
<x-adminlte-callout theme="warning" title="Warning">
    Warning theme callout!
<x-adminlte-callout theme="danger" title="Danger">
    Danger theme callout!

{{-- Custom --}}
<x-adminlte-callout theme="success" class="bg-teal" icon="fas fa-lg fa-thumbs-up" title="Done">
    <i class="text-dark">Your payment was complete!</i>
<x-adminlte-callout theme="danger" title-class="text-danger text-uppercase"
    icon="fas fa-lg fa-exclamation-circle" title="Payment Error">
    <i>There was an error on the payment procedure!</i>
<x-adminlte-callout theme="info" class="bg-gradient-info" title-class="text-bold text-dark"
    icon="fas fa-lg fa-bell text-dark" title="Notification">
    This is a notification.
<x-adminlte-callout theme="danger" class="bg-gradient-pink" title-class="text-uppercase"
    icon="fas fa-lg fa-leaf text-purple" title="observation">
    <i>A styled observation for the user.</i>

Use the next image as reference to check how every example is rendered. Please, note in the image the callouts were wrapped inside a Bootstrap Grid System to organize them.

Callout Component


This component represents an AdminLTE card box. The following attributes are available:

body-classAdditional classes for the card-body container (only from v3.6.2)stringnullno
collapsibleEnables a collapsible card with a button to collapse/expand it. Use the 'collapsed' string value to initiate the card on collapsed modeanynullno
disabledDisables the card (an overlay will show over the card)anynullno
footer-classAdditional classes for the card-footer container (only from v3.8.1)stringnullno
header-classAdditional classes for the card-header container (only from v3.8.1)stringnullno
iconA fontawesome icon for the card headerstringnullno
maximizableEnables a maximizable card with a button to maximize itanynullno
removableEnables a removable card with a button to remove itanynullno
themeThe card theme: light, dark, primary, secondary, info, success, warning, danger or any other AdminLTE color like lighblue or tealstringnullno
theme-modeThe theme mode (full or outline)stringnullno
titleThe title for the card headerstringnullno

Any other attribute you define will be directly inserted into the underlying div.card element. So, for example, you can define extra classes on the card by using class, or use onclick, id or any other attribute you may need.


  • toolsSlot: Use this slot to add extra elements on the card header (only from v3.8.1).
  • footerSlot: Use this slot to fill the card footer (only from v3.8.1).


{{-- Minimal with a title / no body --}}
<x-adminlte-card title="A card without body"/>

{{-- Minimal without header / body only --}}
<x-adminlte-card theme="lime" theme-mode="outline">
    A card without header...

{{-- Disabled --}}
<x-adminlte-card title="Disabled Card" theme="teal" disabled>
    A disabled card with teal theme...

{{-- Themes --}}
<x-adminlte-card title="Dark Card" theme="dark" icon="fas fa-lg fa-moon">
    A dark theme card...
<x-adminlte-card title="Lightblue Card" theme="lightblue" theme-mode="outline"
    icon="fas fa-lg fa-envelope" header-class="text-uppercase rounded-bottom border-info"
    A removable card with outline lightblue theme...
<x-adminlte-card title="Purple Card" theme="purple" icon="fas fa-lg fa-fan" removable collapsible>
    A removable and collapsible card with purple theme...
<x-adminlte-card title="Success Card" theme="success" theme-mode="full" icon="fas fa-lg fa-thumbs-up"
    A collapsible card with full success theme and collapsed...
<x-adminlte-card title="Info Card" theme="info" icon="fas fa-lg fa-bell" collapsible removable maximizable>
    An info theme card with all the tool buttons...

{{-- Complex / Extra tool / Footer --}}
<x-adminlte-card title="Form Card" theme="maroon" theme-mode="outline"
    class="elevation-3" body-class="bg-maroon" header-class="bg-light"
    footer-class="bg-maroon border-top rounded border-light"
    icon="fas fa-lg fa-bell" collapsible removable maximizable>
    <x-slot name="toolsSlot">
        <select class="custom-select w-auto form-control-border bg-light">
            <option>Skin 1</option>
            <option>Skin 2</option>
            <option>Skin 3</option>
    <x-adminlte-input name="User" placeholder="Username"/>
    <x-adminlte-input name="Pass" type="password" placeholder="Password"/>
    <x-slot name="footerSlot">
        <x-adminlte-button class="d-flex ml-auto" theme="light" label="submit"
            icon="fas fa-sign-in"/>

Use the next image as reference to check how every example is rendered. Please, note in the image the cards were wrapped inside a Bootstrap Grid System to organize them.

Card Component

Info Box

This component represents an AdminLTE info box widget. The following attributes are available:

iconA Font Awesome icon for the info boxstringnullno
icon-themeThe icon wrapper theme (same values as theme property)stringnullno
descriptionA long text/description for the info boxstringnullno
progressEnables a progress bar for the box. The value should be an integer with the percentage of the progress barintnullno
progress-themeThe progress bar theme (same values as theme property)stringnullno
textA short text/description for the info boxstringnullno
themeThe small box theme: light, dark, primary, secondary, info, success, warning, danger or any other AdminLTE color like lightblue or tealstringnullno
titleA title/header for the info boxstringnullno
urlAn url for the info box. By default, will be placed on the title (only from v3.9.1)stringnullno
url-targetThe target element where to place the url: title (default) or text (only from v3.9.1)stringnullno

Any other attribute you define will be directly inserted into the underlying element. So, for example, you can define extra classes using the class attribute, use the onclick, the id or any other attribute you may need.

Javascript Utility Class

This component also provides a Javascript utility class called _AdminLTE_InfoBox. You can use this class to interact or update an already rendered info box element. To use the class, first you need to assign an id attribute to your info box element, then you create an object using the id attribute previously assigned in the class constructor, for example:

{{-- On the blade file... --}}
<x-adminlte-info-box id="myInfoBox" title="Title" .../>
// On your Javascript code...
let myInfoBox = new _AdminLTE_InfoBox("myInfoBox");

Then you can use the next methods from the instantiated object:

  • myInfoBox.update(data): To update the data of the info box element. The data should be an object with the new attributes, the supported object keys are: title, text, description, icon and progress (see examples for more details). The url attribute may be also updated from version v3.9.1.


{{-- Minimal with title, text and icon --}}
<x-adminlte-info-box title="Title" text="some text" icon="far fa-lg fa-star"/>

{{-- Themes --}}
<x-adminlte-info-box title="Views" text="424" icon="fas fa-lg fa-eye text-dark" theme="gradient-teal"/>

<x-adminlte-info-box title="Downloads" text="1205" icon="fas fa-lg fa-download" icon-theme="purple"/>

<x-adminlte-info-box title="528" text="User Registrations" icon="fas fa-lg fa-user-plus text-primary"
    theme="gradient-primary" icon-theme="white"/>

<x-adminlte-info-box title="Tasks" text="75/100" icon="fas fa-lg fa-tasks text-orange" theme="warning"
    icon-theme="dark" progress=75 progress-theme="dark"
    description="75% of the tasks have been completed"/>

{{-- Updatable --}}
<x-adminlte-info-box title="Reputation" text="0/1000" icon="fas fa-lg fa-medal text-dark"
    theme="danger" id="ibUpdatable" progress=0 progress-theme="teal"
    description="0% reputation completed to reach next level"/>


    $(document).ready(function() {

        let iBox = new _AdminLTE_InfoBox('ibUpdatable');

        let updateIBox = () =>
            // Update data.
            let rep = Math.floor(1000 * Math.random());
            let idx = rep < 100 ? 0 : (rep > 500 ? 2 : 1);
            let progress = Math.round(rep * 100 / 1000);
            let text = rep + '/1000';
            let icon = 'fas fa-lg fa-medal ' + ['text-primary', 'text-light', 'text-warning'][idx];
            let description = progress + '% reputation completed to reach next level';

            let data = {text, icon, description, progress};

        setInterval(updateIBox, 5000);


Use the next image as reference to check how every example is rendered. Please, note in the image the elements were wrapped inside a Bootstrap Grid System to organize them.

Info Box Component

Profile col Item, Profile Row Item

Both of these components represents an item for the AdminLTE profile widget. The main difference is that on the profile-col-item the elements are stacked vertically, while on the profile-row-item the element are stacked horizontally. The following attributes are available:

badgeA badge theme for the text attribute. When used, the text attribute will be wrapped inside a badge of the configured theme.stringnullno
iconA fontawesome icon for the itemstringnullno
textThe text/description for the itemstringnullno
titleThe title/header for the itemstringnullno
sizeThe item size. Used to wrap the item inside a col-size divintegernullno
urlAn url for the item. By default, it'll be placed on the title attributestringnullno
url-targetThe target element where to place the url: title (default) or text (only from v3.12.0)string'title'no

The available themes for the badge are: light, dark, primary, secondary, info, success, warning, danger or any other AdminLTE color like lightblue or teal.


From version v3.12.0 you may prepend the pill- token to a theme (for example, pill-primary) to get a pill badge instead of a normal badge.

Any other attribute you define will be directly inserted into the underlying div.col-<size> element. So, for example, you can define class, onclick, id or any other attribute you may need. To see usage examples, check the Profile Widget Component.

Profile Widget

This component represents an AdminLTE profile widget. The following attributes are available:

coverA cover image url for the profile header section (overlays the theme)stringnullno
descA description for the user profilestringnullno
footer-classExtra classes for the profile footer (to customize the footer section)stringnullno
iconTo setup the default icon that will be used when no image is provided (only from v3.12.0)string'fas fa-user'no
imgAn image url for the user profilestringnullno
header-classExtra classes for the profile header (to customize the header section)stringnullno
layout-typeThe profile header layout type (modern or classic).string'modern'no
nameThe user name of the profilestringnullno
themeThe profile header theme: light, dark, primary, secondary, info, success, warning, danger or any other AdminLTE color like lightblue or tealstringnullno

Any other attribute you define will be directly inserted into the underlying div.card.card-widget element. So, for example, you can define class, onclick, id or any other attribute you may need. There is a main slot available to provide content into the footer section, usually by adding Profile Col Item or Profile Row Item elements, but you can try with custom content also.


Some examples with modern (default) layout:

{{-- Minimal with a name --}}
<x-adminlte-profile-widget name="User Name"/>

{{-- Themes --}}
<x-adminlte-profile-widget name="John Doe" desc="Administrator" theme="teal"
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item title="Followers" text="125" url="#"/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item title="Following" text="243" url="#"/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item title="Posts" text="37" url="#"/>

<x-adminlte-profile-widget name="Sarah O'Donell" desc="Commercial Manager" theme="primary"
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item class="text-primary border-right" icon="fas fa-lg fa-gift"
        title="Sales" text="25" size=6 badge="primary"/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item class="text-danger" icon="fas fa-lg fa-users" title="Dependents"
        text="10" size=6 badge="danger"/>

<x-adminlte-profile-widget name="Robert Gleeis" desc="Sound Manager" theme="warning"
    img="" header-class="text-left" footer-class="bg-gradient-dark">
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item title="I'm also" text="Artist" size=3
        class="text-orange border-right border-warning"/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item title="Loves" text="Music" size=6
        class="text-orange border-right border-warning"/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item title="Like to" text="Travel" size=3

<x-adminlte-profile-widget name="Alice Viorich" desc="Community Manager" theme="purple"
    img="" footer-class="bg-gradient-pink">
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item icon="fab fa-2x fa-instagram" text="Instagram" badge="purple" size=4/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item icon="fab fa-2x fa-facebook" text="Facebook" badge="purple" size=4/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item icon="fab fa-2x fa-twitter" text="Twitter" badge="purple" size=4/>

{{-- Custom --}}
<x-adminlte-profile-widget class="elevation-4" name="Willian Dubling" desc="Web Developer"
    img="" cover=""
    header-class="text-white text-right" footer-class='bg-gradient-dark'>
    <x-adminlte-profile-row-item title="4+ years of experience with"
        class="text-center border-bottom border-secondary"/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item title="Javascript" icon="fab fa-2x fa-js text-orange" size=3/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item title="PHP" icon="fab fa-2x fa-php text-orange" size=3/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item title="HTML5" icon="fab fa-2x fa-html5 text-orange" size=3/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item title="CSS3" icon="fab fa-2x fa-css3 text-orange" size=3/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item title="Angular" icon="fab fa-2x fa-angular text-orange" size=4/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item title="Bootstrap" icon="fab fa-2x fa-bootstrap text-orange" size=4/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item title="Laravel" icon="fab fa-2x fa-laravel text-orange" size=4/>

Use the next image as reference to check how every example is rendered. Please, note in the image the elements were wrapped inside a Bootstrap Grid System to organize them.

Profile Widget Component Modern

Some examples with classic layout:

{{-- Layout Classic / Minimal --}}
<x-adminlte-profile-widget name="User Name" layout-type="classic"/>

{{-- Layout Classic / Theme --}}
<x-adminlte-profile-widget name="John Doe" desc="Administrator" theme="lightblue"
    img="" layout-type="classic">
    <x-adminlte-profile-row-item icon="fas fa-fw fa-user-friends" title="Followers" text="125"
        url="#" badge="teal"/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-row-item icon="fas fa-fw fa-user-friends fa-flip-horizontal" title="Following"
        text="243" url="#" badge="lightblue"/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-row-item icon="fas fa-fw fa-sticky-note" title="Posts" text="37"
        url="#" badge="navy"/>

{{-- Layout Classic / Custom --}}
<x-adminlte-profile-widget name="Roxana Saziadko" desc="Graphic Designer" class="elevation-4"
    img="" cover=""
    layout-type="classic" header-class="text-right" footer-class="bg-gradient-teal">
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item class="border-right text-dark" icon="fas fa-lg fa-tasks"
        title="Projects Done" text="25" size=6 badge="lime"/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-col-item class="text-dark" icon="fas fa-lg fa-tasks"
        title="Projects Pending" text="5" size=6 badge="danger"/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-row-item title="Contact me on:" class="text-center text-dark border-bottom"/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-row-item icon="fab fa-fw fa-2x fa-instagram text-dark" title="Instagram"
        url="#" size=4/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-row-item icon="fab fa-fw fa-2x fa-facebook text-dark" title="Facebook"
        url="#" size=4/>
    <x-adminlte-profile-row-item icon="fab fa-fw fa-2x fa-twitter text-dark" title="Twitter"
        url="#" size=4/>

Use the next image as reference to check how every example is rendered. Please, note in the image the elements were wrapped inside a Bootstrap Grid System to organize them.

Profile Widget Component Classic


This component represents an AdminLTE styled progress bar. The following attributes are available:

animatedEnables the animated mode on the progress baranynullno
sizeThe progress bar size (sm, xs or xxs)stringnullno
stripedEnables stripes on the progress baranynullno
themeThe progress bar theme: light, dark, primary, secondary, info, success, warning, danger or any other AdminLTE color like lightblue or tealstringinfono
valueThe progress bar percentage value (integer between 0 and 100)int0no
verticalEnables vertical mode on the progress baranynullno
with-labelEnables a percentage label on the progress baranynullno

Any other attribute you define will be directly inserted into the underlying div.progress element. So, for example, you can define a class, onclick, id or any other attribute you may need.

Javascript Utility Class

This component also provides a Javascript utility class called _AdminLTE_Progress. You can use this class to interact or update an already rendered progress bar element. To use the class, first you need to assign an id attribute to your progress bar element, then you create an object using the id attribute previously assigned in the class constructor, for example:

{{-- On the blade file... --}}
<x-adminlte-progress id="myProgress" .../>
// On your Javascript code...
let myProgress = new _AdminLTE_Progress("myProgress");

Then you can use the next methods from the instantiated object:

  • myProgress.getValue(): To get the current progress bar value.

  • myProgress.setValue(value): To update the progress bar value. The value should be an integer.


{{-- Minimal --}}

{{-- themes --}}
<x-adminlte-progress theme="light" value=55/>
<x-adminlte-progress theme="dark" value=30/>
<x-adminlte-progress theme="primary" value=95/>
<x-adminlte-progress theme="secondary" value=40/>
<x-adminlte-progress theme="info" value=85/>
<x-adminlte-progress theme="warning" value=25/>
<x-adminlte-progress theme="danger" value=50/>
<x-adminlte-progress theme="success" value=75/>

{{-- Custom --}}
<x-adminlte-progress theme="teal" value=75 animated/>
<x-adminlte-progress size="sm" theme="indigo" value=85 animated/>
<x-adminlte-progress theme="pink" value=50 animated with-label/>

{{-- Vertical --}}
<x-adminlte-progress theme="purple" value=40 vertical/>
<x-adminlte-progress theme="orange" value=80 vertical animated/>
<x-adminlte-progress theme="navy" value=70 vertical striped with-label/>
<x-adminlte-progress theme="lime" size="xxs" value=90 vertical/>

{{-- Dinamic Change --}}
<x-adminlte-progress id="pbDinamic" value="5" theme="lighblue" animated with-label/>
{{-- Update the previous progress bar every 2 seconds, incrementing by 10% each step --}}
    $(document).ready(function() {

        let pBar = new _AdminLTE_Progress('pbDinamic');

        let inc = (val) => {
            let v = pBar.getValue() + val;
            return v > 100 ? 0 : v;

        setInterval(() => pBar.setValue(inc(10)), 2000);

Use the next image as reference to check how every example is rendered. Please, note in the image the elements were wrapped inside a Bootstrap Grid System to organize them.

Progress Component

Small Box

This component represents an AdminLTE small box widget. The following attributes are available:

iconA Font Awesome icon for the small boxstringnullno
loadingEnables a loading animation (an overlay with a loading icon)anynullno
textThe text/description for the small boxstringnullno
themeThe small box theme: light, dark, primary, secondary, info, success, warning, danger or any other AdminLTE color like lightblue or tealstringnullno
titleThe title/header for the small boxstringnullno
urlAn url for the small box. When enabled, a link-styled footer section will be visible pointing to that urlstringnullno
url-textA text/label associated with the footer urlstringnullno

Any other attribute you define will be directly inserted into the underlying div.small-box element. So, for example, you can define extra classes using the class attribute, use the onclick, the id or any other attribute you may need.

Javascript Utility Class

This component also provides a Javascript utility class called _AdminLTE_SmallBox. You can use this class to interact or update an already rendered small box element. To use the class, first you need to assign an id attribute to your small box element, then you create an object using the id attribute previously assigned in the class constructor, for example:

{{-- On the blade file... --}}
<x-adminlte-small-box id="mySmallBox" title="Title" .../>
// On your Javascript code...
let mySmallBox = new _AdminLTE_SmallBox("mySmallBox");

Then you can use the next methods from the instantiated object:

  • mySmallBox.toggleLoading(): To toggle the loading animation of the small box.

  • mySmallBox.update(data): To update the data of the small box element. The data should be an object with the new attributes, the supported object keys are: title, text, icon and url (see examples for more details).


{{-- Minimal with title, text and icon --}}
<x-adminlte-small-box title="Title" text="some text" icon="fas fa-star"/>

{{-- Loading --}}
<x-adminlte-small-box title="Loading" text="Loading data..." icon="fas fa-chart-bar"
    theme="info" url="#" url-text="More info" loading/>

{{-- Themes --}}
<x-adminlte-small-box title="424" text="Views" icon="fas fa-eye text-dark"
    theme="teal" url="#" url-text="View details"/>

<x-adminlte-small-box title="Downloads" text="1205" icon="fas fa-download text-white"

<x-adminlte-small-box title="528" text="User Registrations" icon="fas fa-user-plus text-teal"
    theme="primary" url="#" url-text="View all users"/>

{{-- Updatable --}}
<x-adminlte-small-box title="0" text="Reputation" icon="fas fa-medal text-dark"
    theme="danger" url="#" url-text="Reputation history" id="sbUpdatable"/>


    $(document).ready(function() {

        let sBox = new _AdminLTE_SmallBox('sbUpdatable');

        let updateBox = () =>
            // Stop loading animation.

            // Update data.
            let rep = Math.floor(1000 * Math.random());
            let idx = rep < 100 ? 0 : (rep > 500 ? 2 : 1);
            let text = 'Reputation - ' + ['Basic', 'Silver', 'Gold'][idx];
            let icon = 'fas fa-medal ' + ['text-primary', 'text-light', 'text-warning'][idx];
            let url = ['url1', 'url2', 'url3'][idx];

            let data = {text, title: rep, icon, url};

        let startUpdateProcedure = () =>
            // Simulate loading procedure.

            // Wait and update the data.
            setTimeout(updateBox, 2000);

        setInterval(startUpdateProcedure, 10000);


Use the next image as reference to check how every example is rendered. Please, note in the image the elements were wrapped inside a Bootstrap Grid System to organize them.

Small Box Component